4D Architects is an architectural office based in Amsterdam. The office was founded by dr. Elma Durmisevic in 1999.
The aim of the office is to contribute to the practice and theory of sustainable design and construction and promote the design of transformable structures that bridges the gap between green engineering requirements, changing market demands and needs of the construction industry. The activities of the office are supported by Prof. Jan Brouwer, who has great experience in design of industrialized and energy efficient buildings and flexible systems.
Next to the building design 4D Architects is active in the research as well. The research is carried out in the field of sustainable building focusing on the aspects of the flexible – transformable structures, design for disassembly and system development.
Dr. Elma Durmisevic was guest lecture at the number of Universities. Together with Prof.Jan Brouwer she organized number of workshops on the theme of flexible infill systems, housing, etc.