
Dutch Building Decree

Dutch Building Decree

The Netherlands now stipulates legal technical requirements one must adhere to in order to obtain building permits.

Among the Netherlands’ sustainability goals, one is to reach a circular building economy by 2050. When applying for a building permit in the Netherlands, one has to supply proof that the building will meet legal technical requirements. Some are related to the environmental performances of the buildings: a specific assessment has to be made, which, at the end, gives a single-score indicator. This indicator should meet the evolving country’s requirement (<1 in 2018, <0,8 in 2021, <0,5 in 2030, approximately, steps to be confirmed).


Project Info

Location: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Turfmarkt, The Hague, Netherlands
  • URL source
  • Author: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of The Netherlands.
  • Publisher: Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
  • Publication date: 01/01/2018.
  • Free download: 1.
  • Level of coverage: National e.g. Dutch NEN.
  • Level of scale: Infrastructure & Buildings.
  • Sectors covered: All/multiple.
  • Life cycle stage covered: All/multiple.
  • Keywords: Whole life carbon.
  • Extend of obligation: mandatory.
  • Instrument type: Regulatory (e.g. ban).