
Circular Lightweight Solar Panel

First sustainably designed and produced solar panel in the world that is fully reuseable and easily (dis)assembled. Based on PFAS free recycled plastics, the lightweight panels have a low carbon footprint and are also applied on lightweight roofs.

Solarge, together with partner SABIC, one of the largest polymer producers in the world, has designed a solar panel that is completely circular. Solarge’s solar panels contain plastics instead of aluminum and glass, making them much lighter, less CO2 is required for production and transport, and can be reduced to the original building blocks with little energy. In this way, Solarge contributes to making the energy transition more sustainable.

Solar energy is considered the most important part of the energy transition we are in. Solar panels are being used on an exponentially growing scale to generate energy and reduce CO2 emissions.


Project Info

Location: Solarge, Marconilaan, Weert, Netherlands
  • URL source
  • Circular Building Infrastructure and Marketplaces: Circular Building Products.
  • Field: Manufacturing.
  • Design: Solarge.
  • Manufacturer: Solarge.
  • Prdouction status: Deployment.
  • Year of market introduction: 2022.
  • High value recovery of materials?: 1.