
Custom Solar Panels

Soltech produces custom solar panels with greater added value. These include custom photovoltaic modules for specific architectural applications – such as roof tiles, awnings, window glass or noise barriers – as well as modules that also had their application in vehicle-integrated photovoltaics (VIPV).
The highly flexible production line allows a mix of R&D, product development, prototyping and dedicated production. In addition to R&D and early-stage prototyping, Soltech has gained recognition throughout Europe as the partner of choice in upscaling and early production of innovative photovoltaic module technologies.


Project Info

Location: Soltech, P7 Thor Park, Genk, Belgium
  • URL source
  • Circular Building Infrastructure and Marketplaces: Circular Building Products.
  • Field: Manufacturing.
  • Design: Soltech.
  • Manufacturer: Soltech.
  • Prdouction status: Deployment.