

Dutch blockchain company

General description :

We developed a disruptive and globally scalable solution that consists of financial, legal and technical mechanisms that both fund and increase real estate building materials recycling in existing Properties, and realizes this by means of a self-funding structure.

Block Materials regarding Deconstruction and Reuse

we believe that the only way to stimulate future high-quality reuse of materials is possible if economic value is assigned beforehand to existing materials in buildings.
Blockmaterials has developed the digital infrastructure to assign property rights to materials through blockchain technology in order to increase the upcoming reuse value.

Block Materials in the DDC project

The Digital Deconstruction project, in which the Province of Limburg is the lead partner, will be taken up further by the Province in 2023 and further developed as a platform that the market can use. We bring the future circular value of materials to the present.

We use our expertise to bind the public with the private sector with the organization of a marketplace, to creat the architecture infrastructure, where a marketplace is not only about the trade of the product/material, but also about the place where buyers and suppliers come together. That must be well organized and informed at the same place, regardless of what you “trade” there.

Contact and Web site :

Simon Duindam: simon@blockmaterials.com



Project Info

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