
Guidelines and Protocol

Guidelines and Protocol

Guidelines to design reversible circulair buildings. According to the author ‘Reversibility’ is defined as process of transforming buildings or dismantling its systems, products and materials without causing damage. Building design that can support such processes is reversible (circular) building design (RBD) and can be seen as key accelerator of Circular Economy in construction. Reversible Building Design is therefore seen as a design that takes into account all life cycle phases of the building and focuses on their future use scenarios. Design solutions that can guarantee high reuse potential of the building materials and high transformation potential are described as reversible.


Project Info

Location: Rue de la Loi 200, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
  • URL source
  • Author: Elma Durmisevic.
  • Publisher: EU H2020 BAMB.
  • Publication date: 01/03/2018.
  • Free download: 1.
  • Level of coverage: International – e.g. ISO.
  • Level of scale: Buildings only.
  • Sectors covered: All/multiple.
  • Life cycle stage covered: Design/Specification.
  • Keywords: Adaptable / flexible.