
Jansen Quatro

Reversible Steel Profile

The capacity of the metal to be reused, to bear extra loads, made it a perfect candidate for an upgradable module. Sequential reuse counters the environmental impact of the production and recycling processes. Steel is easily accessible and enables assembly/disassembly without being damaged or creating waste.


Project Info

Location: Jansen AG, Industriestrasse, Oberriet, Switzerland
  • URL source
  • Design: Jansen AG, Elma Durmisevic/4D Architects.
  • Manufacturer: Jansen AG.
  • Prdouction status: Demonstration.
  • Future modifications and reconfiguration?: 1.
  • Reverse logistics / remanufacturing?: 1.
  • Circular bussiness models such as a take-back system or similar?: 1.