BossCover Circular SystemCircular RoofingA circular EPDM roof system that can be entirely disassembled and ...SEE PROJECT
ChainableCircular KitchenKitchens with a long lifecycle and designed for disassembly. This product as a service is developed for social housing and large scale projects. The service and maintance assure a perfectly ...SEE PROJECT
CirclewoodReversible Timber SystemCirclewood consists of a stackable wooden module that can be connected by means of an ingenious intermediate ...SEE PROJECT
Clamex SDetachable Wood Connector Clamex S-18 is a detachable connector making wood connections reversible that enables a circular wood ...SEE PROJECT
ClickBrickReusable Building BlockThe main advantage of this dry stacking system over masonry or bonded cladding is the fact that the bricks can be reused in their entirety! ...SEE PROJECT
ClimaRadDecentralised VentilationClimaRad develops, produces and markets intelligent decentralised ventilation units, low-temperature ventilation ...SEE PROJECT
De WaterfabriekWater SystemsCircular and climate resilient water systems that prevent wasteful use of ...SEE PROJECT
DrystackReusable Building BlockDrystack creates demountable brick facades that are 100% reusable. The system can be applied to all existing brick types from all brick ...SEE PROJECT
Duracryl Corques LinoSustainable Liquid FlooringCorques is a linoleum, based on natural materials. Linseed oil, vegetable oil, cork and mineral fillers seamlessly ...SEE PROJECT