
Life-IP C-MARTLife

Circular Material Approach on Residual waste Targets and a Litter Free Environment

Development of EU Policy on reduction of plastic waste.

With the production and usage of plastics continuously increasing, the EU is looking to draw on the very successful ‘Flemish waste management policy’ to help reduce plastic waste for EU members. The LIFE-IP- SMARTLIFE project will attempt to coordinate and broaden stakeholder engagement, prevent the loss of recyclable plastics, and closing or narrowing material loops. They aim to do this via four methods: Reducing use of plastics; Preventing plastic litter; Creating sustainable recycling markets for plastic; Stimulating plastic recylate as a fully-fledged raw material.

project website: https://ovam.vlaanderen.be/cmartlife


Project Info

Location: Stationsstraat 110, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium