
Roman Museum De Thermen (NL)


Roman Museum Heerlen

About the project:

Roman Museum in Heerlen hosts one of the biggest preserved Roman Bath structures in North West Europe. The Roman bath structure exhibited by the museum is covered by a steel space frame roof structure and surrounded with an archive depot and additional expo and other museum spaces. With the transformation of the current “Thermenmuseum” (figure above) to Roman Museum, the municipality Heerlen aims to realize an iconic museum with a national and Euregional appeal promoting at the same time a circular approach in construction. During transformation of the existing structure some parts of the building will be preserved which will result into additional environmental savings. With respect to above no additional foundation will be made and columns supporting the tower will be reused by replacing heavy walls with a lightweight structure during the design process.

During the Digital Deconstruction Project, Digital Deconstruction Tools have been used to produce a digital inventory of the building, identify building materials and elements that have high reuse potential and producing overall reuse diagnostics indicating potential savings of materials and CO2 based on reuse options assessed by RBIM. RBIM has been used for diagnostics, 3D scanning has been used to provide input data for modelling of RBIM while material database and block chain tools have been used to prepare data for sales using material passports. Besides, RBIM outputs have been used to support decision making regarding the specification of the procurement strategy in particular formulation of the requirements and specification of a scoring system that will be use during the selection procedure in a call for tenders.

3D Scanning


3D scanning of the building has been done by BIM-Y. After scanning procedure BIM-Y carted segmented point cloud files that were shared with GTB Lab.

Reversible BIM ©

GTB Lab conducted a digital assessment of the reuse potential of building materials within the Roman Museum using it’s Reversible BIM tool developed by 4D architects based on method E.Durmisevic. After creation of RBIM (digital circular twin) and assessing the Reuse Potential of materials that is visualised in a color-coded 3D viewer, REVIT to excel is performed enabling the presentation of, RBIM outputs in pivot tables but also as graphs illustrating quantities of embodied versus reused tonnages of material and CO2. Based on RBIM outputs it has been concluded that out of 6809,6 ton of total materials 30% can be directly reused and 17% has a potential to be reused after little reparation. This means that between 42 and 52% of the total mass can be reused on-site and elsewhere. This amount of materials represents between 55 and 65% from a total of 6225,9 ton avoided embodied CO2.

Reversible graph embodied mass
reversible graph embodied carbon
color-coded 3D viewer RBIM

Digital RBIM Library

Elements which have a high Reuse Potential are consolidated into an RBIM Digital Library for designers/architects to be used as a catalogue of building material for new construction.

Materials Database

Based on the digital assessment of RBIM, Block Materials created material passports using the CIRDAX platform for the elements with high reuse potential specified by the RBIM library. These materials went also through Blockchain Validation and ultimately residual value in euros has been specified for the façade profiles.

Procurement Procedure

The Municipality of Heerlen has decided to incorporate reuse as one of the tender criteria and use the reuse potential scoring system to allocate points for this criterion.

potential score

Table: scoring system for allocation points related to reuse options specified in Reuse Potential Method E.Durmisevic based on which RBIM has been created.

The deconstruction is awarded based on the economically most advantageous tender score. Tenders are assessed on multiple quality criteria. For each quality criterion, the assessment committee indicates how much added value can be achieved on the quality criterion. The maximum achievable added value is expressed in euros. If a tenderer achieves a maximum score on one quality criterion, this entire amount is than deducted from the registration fee. A separate scoring system is applied for each individual quality criterion and all the assigned scores are then added together. To evaluate the way in which the reuse of materials is treated (as one of quality criteria) the Reuse Potential scoring system (based on which RBIM is created) has been adopted. (De Rooij, Reuse strategies document Municipality of Heerlen 2022)

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