
UIA Super Circular Estate

Circular Housing Project

Super Circular Estate

First Circular Social Housing Estate for 100% Material and Social Circularity.
Logo Superlocal

The Super Circular Estate contributes to a sustainable, low carbon, resource efficient economy by creating high-quality, desirable urban environment and affordable housing opportunities based on breakthrough innovative material and social circular solutions. Europe’s first circular estate is based in a sustainable shrinkage area in Stadsregio Parkstad Limburg in the South of the Netherlands. In the next 30 years, the Parkstad Limburg region’s population will shrink by 27% due to population ageing and young people moving to urban agglomeration cities such as Amsterdam and Rotterdam. This implies that less housing accommodation will be demanded in the following decades. High-rise apartment buildings, which were mainly built in the 1960s when housing shortage was a primary issue, no longer satisfy requirements and inhabitants’ needs. Three vacant high-rise apartment buildings in the project-area in the city of Kerkrade contain valuable materials, qualities and former social structures. Demolition of these buildings will irreversibly impair these values. The objective of the Super Circular Estate is to circularly reuse these values within the project area whilst boosting the local economy and creating a high-quality and desirable urban environment. The former social structures will be recovered by actively stimulating former inhabitants to take residence in the area again. The project serves as a best example for approximately 1250 similar housing accommodations in the Parkstad Limburg region.

Timeline: 2018-2020

Lead partner: Municipality of Kerkrade

Project Partners: -Municipality of Kerkrade -Brunssum municipality -Landgraaf municipality -Stadsregio Parkstad Limburg – regional authority -VolkerWessels Construction -Real Estate Development South and -Dusseldorp Infra -Water Board Company Limburg -Limburg Drinking Water Company -IBA Parkstad B.V -Zuyd University of Applied Sciences -HeemWonen – social housing corporation -Association of Demolition Contractors (VERAS)


Project Info

Location: Superlocal, Voorterstraat, Kerkrade, Netherlands