The newsletter of the Digital Deconstruction project gives you updates on the several items within the project. Such as the testing of all modules, the status on the pilot sites in each participating country, the Regional Innovation Hubs and the events on the subject.
The newsletter of the Digital Deconstruction project gives you updates on the several items within the project. Such as the testing of all modules, the status on the pilot sites in each participating country, the Regional Innovation Hubs and the events on the subject. Like to be informed in French, Dutch or English language, please follow the link to the subscription form. The next edition will appear in January, March and May/June 2023.
Digital Deconstruction newsletter gives you an update on the project goals, the modules and the pilots. In this edition a article on the pilot Hof ter Laken in Belgium, an interview with Patricia Savin, of Oree (FR) and Yannick Pau, project manager at Luxembourg Ministery of Environment, Climate and sustainability
Lessons learned
Reversible BIM module developed by E. Durmisevic 2018 is one of the four modules that are integrated on the Digital Deconstruction platform to support decision making regarding reuse and deconstruction strategies. Reversible BIM© module enables a digital assessment of the technical reversibility of buildings and recovery options of building components and materials by assessment of technical and physical dependences between building parts based on the model (Durmisevic, 2006).
(need to subscribe to the journal)
Project partner Kempens Landschap has one pilot project in Belgium, Hof ter Laken in Heist-op-den-Berg, where various materials out of the old castle, horse stables and barns are scans and tested for recycling. The two barns behind the stables/depot will be deconstructed. The interior of 1 part of the depot will also be deconstructed in that period. The other buildings on the domain will be preserved and will be restored in the coming years, preserving their heritage value. More information on this pilot project, read enclosed press release (in Dutch).
In the Dutch newspaper De Limburger an interview with Elma Durmisevic and Thomas Bergstra was placed on circular building. Everybody talks about circular building, but it doesn’t exist yet. Now is the moment to start with circular building in Parkstad Limburg as the task on construction and deconstruction is now economically interesting, says Elma Durmisevic from Green Transformable Building Lab in Heerlen.
For Luxemburger Wort, a newspaper in Luxembourg, Guillaume Dubois gave an interview on the pilot Ettelbrück. The station will be demolished and materials from this ancient building reused instead of placing in building depots. This article (in German) gives an insight on the recycling economy of building materials.
The professional magazine Recyclage et Récupération in France edited an article on DDC Manifesto. Read the article below.
Accélérer le réemploi en Europe via les outils digitaux Digital DeConstruction, consortium de 14 partenaires européens, soutenu en France par GreenFlex, l’AREP, SNCF Gares & Connexions, Nobatek/INEF4 et Vilogia, entend accélérer le réemploi en Europe, notamment au moyen d’outils digitaux. Digital Deconstruction participe à la structuration d’un écosystème, centré autour de trois principes : « Réduire, Réutiliser, Recycler ». Celui-ci repose sur la volonté d’être bien plus sobre et efficace dans les usages et la consommation de matériaux. Le consortium prévoit ensuite de faire évoluer le mix matériaux de la construction vers des solutions moins carbonées et d’explorer les façons de mieux produire des matériaux d’usage commun : verre, acier, béton,…
Iceberg, the platform of circular economy of building materials published a article on the District Deconstruction project.
Campus Transfo Num (FR) published this article about three initiatives to make circular economy possible. The Interreg NWE project Digital Deconstruction is one of them. Campus Transfo Num in France enables its members to learn, train, discuss, collaborate, find solutions and growth drivers in order to better manage all of their activities at a lower cost.To do this, Campus Transfo Num shares a set of information from the major players in the sector and organizes working groups to jointly define the challenges and methods to come for a building that is healthier, more efficient and respectful of the environment.
Information on the 4 best practices in circularity in France. Digital Deconstruction is one of the innovative and sustainable projects mentioned by the Central Government of The Netherlands, by the Dutch embassy in France.
Interview with Elma Durmisevic on circular building processes, creating reversible and transformable building structures right from the design phase. Dr Elma Durmisevic has been working on this transition since the early 2000s, as founder of the Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildings (GTB Lab) and as lead expert in various projects linked to circularity in the building industry.